Industry Led.
Collective Action.

The pace of automation is accelerating, thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence and the need for “contact-less” interactions. More companies need more talent capable of interacting with machines and people. They need employees who can design, build, and maintain new platforms and programs. And they need people who can protect that infrastructure.
ConxusNEO is helping our community shape a strategy that generates the IT talent we need to remain competitive and grow.
We know that certain high-demand occupations in our community can be accessible without a four-year degree. Computer user support specialists, software developers and information security analysts are examples. To that end, ConxusNEO is partnering with Elevate Greater Akron to guide a major “mid-tech” research project to be completed by the end of 2021. We look forward to sharing research results with industry leaders in early 2022 as we work together to shape a community-wide initiative.
See Our Work In Action
Community Based Tech Certification Training
A Business Case for Diversity
Get in Touch
Contact Us to learn more about how your organization can help improve the performance of the talent supply chain in Northeast Ohio. We can connect you to the appropriate training provider offering the earn-and-learn opportunities, curriculum, and credentials you need.