Connecting Partners to Build a Thriving Workforce

from over 250 employers and 2,400 working age adults in Greater Akron

Industry Sectors We Serve

Learn More female and male working in a manufacturing plant


Ensuring companies have access to the talent they need to remain competitive and grow.

Learn More african american looking at a large monitor on a computer

Information Technology

Generating a diverse talent supply chain to help companies fill jobs in technology to remain competitive and prosperous to secure Northeast Ohio’s economic future.

Learn More male doctor consulting an older male


Attracting and retaining qualified job candidates by addressing real-life barriers to good jobs that lead to great careers.

Good Jobs Challenge

Find your place in the manufacturing industry!

• No experience necessary

• Great pay and benefits

• Job coaching and support services

We are excited to tell you about the Greater Akron Business Navigator! This website will serve to help our region’s entrepreneurs and small businesses navigate our extensive ecosystem more efficiently and effectively. To do this, the site features a questionnaire with only 7 questions that returns a custom list of available resources. In addition, the site includes an online chat function staffed by members of the Elevate Greater Akron collaborative, who will assist businesses in getting to the right organization if they need further help.