Akron Urban League, ConxusNEO awarded $120k by KeyBank Business Boost & Build Program, powered by JumpStart

AKRON, Ohio – KeyBank‘s Business Boost & Build program has awarded $120,000 to the Summit Workforce Development Project, which will address unemployment among local minorities.
The workforce development project is a collaboration between the Akron Urban League and ConxusNEO.
The Urban League will provide training and education for job seekers, while ConxusNEO will work with companies in the region, identifying in-demand, high-paying jobs, and helping connect workers with job shadowing, job fairs and other opportunities.
“This award from JumpStart and the KeyBank Business Boost & Build program will provide us with crucial resources to support software coding and other skill-specific training to improve the lives of unemployed and underemployed jobseekers in Summit County,” Akron Urban League President and CEO Sadie Winlock said in a news release. “Together, with ConxusNEO and existing partnerships, we will make a meaningful and measurable impact in the community.”
The KeyBank Business Boost & Build program supports startups and small businesses to stimulate economic growth in Ohio and New York, and prepares the workforce for the needs of those entities.
“At KeyBank, we have made it our mission to create thriving communities and we believe strong workforce development programs like the Summit Workforce Development Project are core to that mission,” KeyBank Eastern Ohio Market President Tim Burke said in the release.
The Business Boost & Build program was created in 2017 through a KeyBank Foundation grant to JumpStart Inc., a public-private partnership focused on strengthening the Northeast Ohio economy by working with small business and entrepreneurs.
Read original article here.
Conn, Jennifer. cleveland.com. (2018, May 11). Akron Urban League, ConxusNEO awarded $120k by KeyBank Business Boost & Build Program, powered by JumpStart. Cleveland.com. Retrieved from http://www.cleveland.com/akron/index.ssf/2018/05/akron_urban_league_conxusneo_a.html